Friday, August 20, 2010

Blogging Newbie

Okay, I have never done this and the wife isn't overly thrilled I want to blog. I apologize now for the typos and fragments and run-ons.
I recently, like three weeks ago, just stopped using smokeless tobacco. I know, I know it's gross but it was like an affair with nicotine. It is no lie when they (who ever that is) say nicotine is harder to kick than cocaine, however I wouldn't know but wow it was hard to give up. Its like Neil Young said, "I've seen the needle and the damage done." I have replaced the fresh smell of Copenhagen with running. Now I am no means a fat guy but I am not 18 either. The "runner's high" is pretty awesome and I get it every time I finish my run. A friend of mine looked at me like I was supposed to get that while running, who knows he runs a lot more than me and he is older so maybe age has something to do with it. All I know is so far I have logged about 18-20 miles in the last three weeks and I feel a lot better. I know this is really boring stuff but gotta start some where so here it is be gentle with the comments. Like anyone would read this. The P factor will be explained later on, like I said I am new and gotta leave a hanger or no one will return.


  1. I like it. Wish my runner's high lasted after I was done running.

  2. i am so happy you're blogging. good outlet and lets us all get to know you better. proud of you for quitting dipping - one day at a time
