Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have on occasions, daily, talk to people in our society that make really bad choices. I then have to talk to these people in a way that is respectful. Really! WTF! These people have committed a violation of some kind and think I have to respect them! UGH! I feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football away right before he kicks it.

Respect is earned. Respect is what good people show each other. Respect is being an adult and not taking advantage of someone for a minuscule amount of gain. Respect is leaving other peoples stuff alone. Respect is keeping your hands and other body parts off and out of people. Don't do something so stupid it lands you in an interrogation and you feel you deserve respect and tell some BS story that only great fiction writers dream of coming up with for an hour show.

Society has feed people too long. It is time to cut the umbilical cord of suck the life out of good hard working citizens. It is time for people to realize nothing is for free. I will not ever respect anyone who drives a Cadillac Escalade to get their Lone Star Card. I really cannot believe we pay people millions of dollars to play a game! I do see the worst in people and it is possible that I may be slightly skewed but, when is enough really enough.

What about the respect we have shown our Forefathers?