Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have on occasions, daily, talk to people in our society that make really bad choices. I then have to talk to these people in a way that is respectful. Really! WTF! These people have committed a violation of some kind and think I have to respect them! UGH! I feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy pulls the football away right before he kicks it.

Respect is earned. Respect is what good people show each other. Respect is being an adult and not taking advantage of someone for a minuscule amount of gain. Respect is leaving other peoples stuff alone. Respect is keeping your hands and other body parts off and out of people. Don't do something so stupid it lands you in an interrogation and you feel you deserve respect and tell some BS story that only great fiction writers dream of coming up with for an hour show.

Society has feed people too long. It is time to cut the umbilical cord of suck the life out of good hard working citizens. It is time for people to realize nothing is for free. I will not ever respect anyone who drives a Cadillac Escalade to get their Lone Star Card. I really cannot believe we pay people millions of dollars to play a game! I do see the worst in people and it is possible that I may be slightly skewed but, when is enough really enough.

What about the respect we have shown our Forefathers?

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well I haven't really had anything to say here lately. I have been getting back into shape for about the last month. I swam for the first time in a couple of years. Now when I say swim or swam I mean lap swimming. Today, I am so sore it really makes think twice about working out. I know the soreness will pass and in the long run I will feel better, live longer, and die healthier. It still doesn't change the fact I cannot move without a constant reminder of my valiant effort to get into the best shape of my life.

What is so amazing is how the body can take all the punishment we dish out and then the punishment we give it with the food and stress we put ourselves through. I am amazed anyone lives past 40. Modern medicine has really worked well for extending the lives of the over indulger. Well, til next time eat well and work out regularly.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The P factor

As promised the "P" factor is any job that starts with a "P".  Now with that said it excludes the six figure jobs that start with a "P". It was meant for pilots (excluding major airlines) paramedics, police etc... As you may have guessed I am both police and a paramedic and between them both I am still under the six figure range. I was introduced to the "P" factor while flying in a medical helicopter and my pilot and I were in a decent conversation on the outbound leg, meaning going to get the sick person, and we named countless professions of importance that get paid minimal for their services, thus was ever known as the "P" factor. I learned a lot from that man. I flew countless miles with him in charge of my flight and he is a true American. His Pilot skills were superb. He raised his family and sent his children to college all on the "P" factor salary. He has since retired from the medical pilot aspect and has moved on like the rest of have. It's so amazing what our lives bring and what man kind can do for another human and the marks people make on each other.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Blogging Newbie

Okay, I have never done this and the wife isn't overly thrilled I want to blog. I apologize now for the typos and fragments and run-ons.
I recently, like three weeks ago, just stopped using smokeless tobacco. I know, I know it's gross but it was like an affair with nicotine. It is no lie when they (who ever that is) say nicotine is harder to kick than cocaine, however I wouldn't know but wow it was hard to give up. Its like Neil Young said, "I've seen the needle and the damage done." I have replaced the fresh smell of Copenhagen with running. Now I am no means a fat guy but I am not 18 either. The "runner's high" is pretty awesome and I get it every time I finish my run. A friend of mine looked at me like I was supposed to get that while running, who knows he runs a lot more than me and he is older so maybe age has something to do with it. All I know is so far I have logged about 18-20 miles in the last three weeks and I feel a lot better. I know this is really boring stuff but gotta start some where so here it is be gentle with the comments. Like anyone would read this. The P factor will be explained later on, like I said I am new and gotta leave a hanger or no one will return.